Event Detail
The weekend Contact Improvisation Intermediate workshop with world-renowned contact improvisation teacher Scott Wells offers a deeper dive into the practice of contact improvisation during both guided classes and free jam sessions.
Scott Wells will lead us through a series of exercises where we will discover ways we can lean well into the ground and let it support us. We will build a stable and living connection with a partner that we can build on in lifts and flights.
We will explore the mechanics of our bodies to understand and experience what are the easiest and most effective ways up. We may overcome fears of heights or loss of control, we may discover how to be a good support for ourselves and our dance partner. Scott will support us in safe and playful exploration of the air as another dance space and as a dance partner.
The guided workshop will be followed by a free jam, which can be joined independently
This workshop is part of Scott Wells' "Contact Journey" series in Prague. We also invite you to Scott's other two workshops:
Scott Wells has been practicing contact improv since 1981, has an MFA in Dance, and has twice received the Izzie (San Francisco´s most prestigious dance award). Scott has been teaching and performing in Europe for the last 25 years in festivals in many European capital cities. He is a long-term practitioner of Alexander Technique , Body Mind Centering® and other counseling and bodywork practices. His current passions are Eyebody Method® or moving from the organs.
Practical info
WHEN: 14.- 15.10.2023, saturday 10-18/20h, sunday 10-17/19h
WHERE: Krav Maga Academy, Na Pankráci 32, Praha 4, 147 00
Because of capacity reasons is number of participants limited.
CONTACT: info@spolubeat.cz