Kolečko: Ověřitelé 25.11.2024 9:00
Kolečko: Ověřitelé 25.11.2024 9:00

Kolečko: Ověřitelé 25.11.2024 9:00

Sold out
Feb 28, 2025 (11:00 AM - 12:05 PM)
Divadlo Ponec, Husitská, Prague 3-Žižkov, Czechia

Event Detail

“They are three and they check what’s already been checked”.
How is point of view affected by inner feelings and movement in space? A dance-visual performance inspired by Zuzana Demlová's book "Tales of Wheels and Infinity" takes you on an excursion into the world of optics and relativity. Through demonstrations on a primitive wheel, it offers a simple understanding of physics and optics linked to the inner worlds of each actor. Thanks to the synthesis of visual and dance arts, it will enable the meeting of child and adult viewers in the form of an intense experience. All you have to do is switch on your imagination.

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